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110 Salesforce Apex Interview Questions and Answers (Updated)

Salesforce Apex is a robust, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the Salesforce platform’s server in conjunction with calls to the API. This powerful language is specifically designed for Salesforce and provides the backbone for business logic, including data manipulation, process initiation, and integration with external systems. Apex is essential for creating complex, custom functionalities within Salesforce applications, making it indispensable for achieving tailored CRM solutions.

Did You Know?

Unlike many other programming environments, Apex is versioned within Salesforce. When you create or edit an Apex class, you can specify a version of the Salesforce API to ensure backward compatibility. This versioning enables seamless upgrades of the Salesforce platform while protecting existing code from breaking changes, which is especially useful in maintaining stability across seasonal Salesforce releases.

Interviews focusing on Salesforce Apex are primarily targeted at roles such as Salesforce Developers, Salesforce Technical Architects, and Backend Salesforce Engineers. These positions require a deep understanding of Apex for developing custom logic and processes within the Salesforce environment. The interview process typically evaluates candidates’ proficiency in Apex programming, their understanding of Salesforce architecture, and their ability to design and implement scalable, efficient solutions that adhere to Salesforce’s best practices and limitations.

Make sure to check Salesforce developer interview questions and answers, if you are looking for more general development-related questions.

List of 110 Salesforce Apex Interview Questions and Answers

Specific Scenario-Based Salesforce Apex Interview Questions with Answers

You’re developing an Apex class for a custom Salesforce app that manages a company’s customer service cases. This class, CaseManager, is responsible for retrieving cases, updating case statuses, and sending notifications when a case is closed. The company has strict data limits, so the solution must be optimized to minimize SOQL queries and ensure bulk processing.

How would you retrieve cases based on a specific status in CaseManager while ensuring governor limits are respected?

Answer: To retrieve cases by status, use a bulkified SOQL query to fetch all matching cases in one query and avoid putting the query inside a loop. Here’s an example:

public List<Case> getCasesByStatus(String status) {
    return [SELECT Id, Status, Subject FROM Case WHERE Status = :status];

How would you update the status of multiple cases in bulk and handle potential errors in a way that doesn’t stop the entire transaction?

Answer: Use a try-catch block with partial processing in a Database.update call to handle errors without halting the transaction. The Database.update method allows you to specify allOrNone = false, which processes valid records and returns a result list indicating which records failed:

public void updateCaseStatus(List<Id> caseIds, String newStatus) {
    List<Case> casesToUpdate = [SELECT Id, Status FROM Case WHERE Id IN :caseIds];
    for (Case c : casesToUpdate) {
        c.Status = newStatus;
    Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.update(casesToUpdate, false);
    for (Database.SaveResult result : results) {
        if (!result.isSuccess()) {
            // Handle each error (e.g., log it or store it for reporting)
            System.debug('Failed to update case: ' + result.getErrors()[0].getMessage());

This ensures that valid records are processed even if some records fail, improving reliability.

How would you send a notification when a case is closed, ensuring that the notification system isn’t overloaded with excessive messages?

Answer: Use a trigger on the Case object to monitor status changes. In the trigger handler, add logic to send notifications only when the status changes to “Closed”. Use future methods or Queueable classes to handle notifications asynchronously, which allows bulk processing and avoids overwhelming the notification system:

public void notifyOnCaseClosure(List<Case> cases) {
    List<Id> closedCaseIds = new List<Id>();
    for (Case c : cases) {
        if (c.Status == 'Closed') {
    if (!closedCaseIds.isEmpty()) {
        System.enqueueJob(new CaseClosureNotification(closedCaseIds));

This ensures only closed cases trigger notifications, and processing is offloaded to an asynchronous job.

How would you write a test class for CaseManager to verify that the status of cases can be updated and notifications are sent when cases are closed?

Answer: Create a test class that covers various cases. Use test data to insert cases, then call the updateCaseStatus method and verify the expected outcome. Include assertions to check that cases are updated and notifications are sent:

public class CaseManagerTest {
    static void testUpdateCaseStatus() {
        // Setup test data
        Case testCase1 = new Case(Status = 'Open', Subject = 'Test Case 1');
        Case testCase2 = new Case(Status = 'Open', Subject = 'Test Case 2');
        insert new List<Case> {testCase1, testCase2};
        // Test the updateCaseStatus method
        CaseManager caseManager = new CaseManager();
        caseManager.updateCaseStatus(new List<Id>{testCase1.Id, testCase2.Id}, 'Closed');
        // Verify that statuses are updated
        List<Case> updatedCases = [SELECT Id, Status FROM Case WHERE Id IN :new List<Id>{testCase1.Id, testCase2.Id}];
        for (Case c : updatedCases) {
            System.assertEquals('Closed', c.Status, 'Case status should be Closed');
        // Additional check: Ensure notifications are queued (can be mocked in real scenarios)

This verifies that statuses are updated and includes placeholders for notification verification.

How would you optimize CaseManager to handle cases where large numbers of cases are processed and avoid exceeding CPU or memory limits?

Answer: Use chunking and process records in manageable batches if dealing with a large volume of cases. Also, reduce unnecessary data in queries, use Map structures for efficient lookups, and employ asynchronous processing when possible. For example:

public void processCasesInBatches(List<Id> caseIds, String newStatus) {
    Integer BATCH_SIZE = 200; // Salesforce batch size limit for DML operations
    for (Integer i = 0; i < caseIds.size(); i += BATCH_SIZE) {
        List<Id> batchIds = caseIds.subList(i, Math.min(i + BATCH_SIZE, caseIds.size()));
        List<Case> casesToUpdate = [SELECT Id, Status FROM Case WHERE Id IN :batchIds];
        for (Case c : casesToUpdate) {
            c.Status = newStatus;
        update casesToUpdate;

By processing in chunks, this approach avoids CPU and memory limits when handling large datasets, improving performance and reliability.

Junior Salesforce Apex Interview Questions and Answers

  1. What is Apex in Salesforce?

Answer: Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute transaction control statements on Salesforce server in conjunction with calls to the API.

  1. How does Apex differ from other programming languages?

Answer: Apex is specifically designed for Salesforce and is integrated with its database and runtime environment. It is similar to Java and C#, but it has unique features and functionalities tailored to Salesforce.

  1. What are Apex Triggers?

Answer: Apex Triggers are scripts that execute before or after Salesforce records are created, updated, or deleted. They are used to perform custom actions and automate processes.

  1. Can you explain the concept of Governor Limits in Apex?

Answer: Governor Limits are runtime limits enforced by the Apex runtime engine to ensure that code doesn’t monopolize shared resources. These include limits on SOQL queries, DML statements, CPU time, and memory usage.

  1. What are SOQL and SOSL?

Answer: SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) and SOSL (Salesforce Object Search Language) are query languages used to search Salesforce data. SOQL is for queries on a single object, whereas SOSL can query multiple objects.

  1. How do you write a basic Apex class?

Answer: A basic Apex class is written with the class keyword, followed by the class name and the class body enclosed in curly braces. It can contain methods and properties.

  1. What is a test class in Apex?

Answer: A test class in Apex is used to write unit tests for custom Apex code. It ensures that the code behaves as expected and meets the requirement of having a certain percentage of code coverage.

  1. Explain the concept of batch Apex.

Answer: Batch Apex allows you to define a single job that can be broken up into manageable chunks, processed separately, and ideal for large data operations like data cleansing or archiving.

  1. What are the best practices for writing Apex code?

Answer: Best practices include following proper naming conventions, writing efficient and bulkified code, adhering to Governor Limits, and including comprehensive error handling.

  1. How do you handle exceptions in Apex?

Answer: Exceptions in Apex are handled using try-catch blocks, where you try a block of code and catch any exceptions that occur, allowing for graceful error handling.

  1. Describe the difference between a before and after trigger.

Answer: Before triggers are used to update or validate record values before they’re saved to the database, while after triggers are used when you need to access record values that are set by the system, such as a record’s Id.

  1. What is an Apex transaction?

Answer: An Apex transaction represents a set of operations that are executed as a single unit. All operations either complete successfully or are rolled back in case of an error.

  1. How do you perform DML operations in Apex?

Answer: DML operations (insert, update, delete, etc.) are performed using DML statements or Database class methods, which handle records in Salesforce.

  1. What is the purpose of the @isTest annotation in Apex?

Answer: The @isTest annotation is used to define classes and methods that contain code for testing your application. These are not counted against your organization’s code limit and are not deployable.

  1. Explain the concept of wrapper classes in Apex.

Answer: Wrapper classes in Apex are custom classes defined by developers to group together different data types and objects to use them as a single unit.

  1. What is a static method in Apex, and how do you declare one?

Answer: A static method is a method that belongs to a class rather than any instance of the class. It’s declared using the static keyword.

  1. How do you access external web services in Apex?

Answer: External web services are accessed in Apex by making callouts to external APIs, typically using HTTP methods. This requires setting up remote site settings in Salesforce.

  1. What is a custom Apex API, and why would you create one?

Answer: A custom Apex API is a set of custom methods that you define in Apex to perform actions that are not available via standard Salesforce APIs, providing more flexibility.

  1. Describe the use of collections in Apex (List, Set, Map).

Answer: Collections in Apex like List, Set, and Map are used to store groups of objects. Lists store ordered elements, Sets store unique elements, and Maps store key-value pairs.

  1. What are the considerations for bulkifying Apex code?

Answer: Bulkifying Apex code involves writing code that efficiently handles processing large numbers of records by minimizing the number of SOQL queries, DML operations, and ensuring it adheres to Governor Limits.

These Apex interview questions Salesforce are geared towards junior-level roles, focusing on fundamental concepts and practices in Apex programming, essential for any developer working in the Salesforce environment.

For an in-depth understanding of the skills required in this field, be sure to check Salesforce QA interview questions as well.


When hiring Junior Salesforce Apex Developers, it’s essential to focus on foundational Apex knowledge and basic Salesforce platform understanding. Candidates should demonstrate proficiency in writing simple Apex code, understanding of triggers, SOQL, and basic governor limits. Equally important is their eagerness to learn and adapt, as Salesforce is a constantly evolving platform. 

Middle-level Salesforce Apex Interview Questions and Answers

  1. Explain the concept of Apex context and its types.

Answer: Apex context refers to the execution environment in which the Apex code runs, such as triggers, batch jobs, or web services. Each context has its own governor limits and behaviors.

  1. How do you optimize SOQL queries in Apex?

Answer: Optimizing SOQL queries involves selecting only necessary fields, using WHERE clauses to limit records, avoiding queries inside loops, and using indexed fields in conditions.

  1. Describe how to implement error handling in batch Apex.

Answer: Error handling in batch Apex involves using the Database.Stateful interface to preserve state and implementing the Database.BatchableContext methods to handle exceptions and log errors.

  1. What are dynamic Apex and its use cases?

Answer: Dynamic Apex allows you to write more flexible code that can execute dynamically at runtime. It’s useful for scenarios where the object schema is not known until runtime.

  1. How do you manage transaction control in Apex?

Answer: Transaction control in Apex is managed using the Database class methods for DML operations, which allow for partial success handling and more granular error control.

  1. Explain the purpose of the with sharing and without sharing keywords in Apex.

Answer: The with sharing keyword enforces record-level access permissions, while without sharing runs the Apex code without enforcing the current user’s permissions or field-level security.

  1. How do you use Apex to call external REST services?

Answer: External REST services are called in Apex using the HttpRequest and HttpResponse classes, along with the Http class for sending the request.

  1. What is Apex managed sharing and when would you use it?

Answer: Apex managed sharing provides programmatic access to sharing rules. It’s used to share records based on complex scenarios that can’t be covered by declarative sharing settings.

  1. How do you test and ensure bulkification of your Apex code?

Answer: Bulkification is tested by running tests with large data volumes and ensuring that the code doesn’t hit governor limits. This includes avoiding SOQL queries or DML operations inside loops.

  1. What is the Apex trigger framework and why is it important?

Answer: An Apex trigger framework is a structured way to organize trigger logic, promoting code reuse, maintainability, and clear separation of concerns.

  1. Explain how to use custom settings in Apex.

Answer: Custom settings in Apex are used to store and retrieve persistent organization-specific data. They can be accessed efficiently and do not count against SOQL query limits.

  1. Describe a scenario where you would use a future method in Apex.

Answer: A future method is used for operations that need to be run asynchronously, such as making callouts to external systems or performing resource-intensive tasks.

  1. How do you ensure test coverage for Apex triggers?

Answer: Test coverage for Apex triggers involves writing test methods that cover various trigger paths, including different DML operations and boundary conditions.

  1. What is the purpose of the Database.Savepoint and Database.rollback methods in Apex?

Answer: These methods are used for transaction control, where Database.Savepoint sets a rollback point and Database.rollback reverts the database to that state.

  1. How can you schedule an Apex class to run at regular intervals?

Answer: An Apex class can be scheduled using the Schedulable interface and scheduling it via the Salesforce UI or programmatically using the System.schedule method.

  1. Explain the use of @TestSetup in test classes.

Answer: @TestSetup is used to define a method that runs once before any test method in the class, setting up test data for all tests in the class.

  1. How do you handle callout limits in Apex?

Answer: Callout limits can be managed by aggregating callouts where possible, using future methods for asynchronous calls, and monitoring callout times and sizes.

  1. What are the best practices for writing maintainable Apex code?

Answer: Best practices include clear and consistent naming conventions, writing modular and reusable code, proper commenting, and adhering to Salesforce’s coding standards.

  1. How do you use the @AuraEnabled annotation in Apex?

Answer: The @AuraEnabled annotation is used to expose Apex methods to Lightning components, allowing them to be called from the client-side.

  1. Describe a complex logic you implemented using Apex and the challenges involved.

Answer: [Provide a specific example of a complex logic implementation, the challenges faced, and how you resolved them, highlighting your problem-solving skills.]

These Apex salesforce interview questions cater to a mid-level understanding of Salesforce Apex, focusing on practical application, optimization, and best practices essential for a developer in this field.


It’s important to look for a blend of solid technical proficiency and practical experience. Candidates should exhibit a deeper understanding of Apex, including complex SOQL queries, batch processing, and error handling. They should also demonstrate experience with real-world Salesforce scenarios, showing their ability to design efficient, scalable solutions within governor limits. Furthermore, effective communication skills and a collaborative mindset are key, as these roles often involve working closely with cross-functional teams.

A strong candidate will not only possess technical acumen but also demonstrate the ability to innovate, adapt, and continuously evolve in the fast-paced and ever-changing Salesforce environment. Their capacity to embrace new challenges, leverage emerging technologies, and develop creative solutions is key to driving success in complex Salesforce projects.

Apex Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Developers

  1. How do you design scalable and efficient Apex applications for large-scale Salesforce implementations?

Answer: I focus on writing bulkified and optimized code, leveraging asynchronous processes, using appropriate design patterns, and ensuring thorough test coverage for scalability and efficiency.

  1. Describe a complex integration project you handled with Apex.

Answer: [Share a specific project, highlighting how you managed the integration, dealt with challenges like data synchronization, API limits, and error handling.]

  1. What strategies do you use to manage governor limits in complex Apex applications?

Answer: I utilize batch processing, optimize SOQL queries and DML operations, implement efficient exception handling, and monitor system limits using built-in Salesforce tools.

  1. How do you ensure code maintainability and readability in large Apex projects?

Answer: By adhering to coding best practices, using clear naming conventions, implementing modular coding patterns, and thorough documentation for maintainability and readability.

  1. Explain your approach to testing and debugging in large and complex Apex applications.

Answer: I implement comprehensive unit tests, simulate various scenarios, use debug logs and monitoring tools for debugging, and emphasize test-driven development.

  1. Discuss how you would use custom metadata types in Apex.

Answer: Custom metadata types are used in Apex for storing configurable application data, which can be retrieved efficiently in code without counting against SOQL limits.

  1. Describe how you handle long-running operations in Apex.

Answer: For long-running operations, I use batch Apex, queueable Apex, or future methods to handle asynchronous processing and avoid hitting governor limits.

  1. How do you lead a team in adopting new Apex features or Salesforce updates?

Answer: I lead by staying informed on updates, conducting training sessions, encouraging experimentation in a sandbox environment, and guiding best practices adoption.

  1. What are advanced Apex design patterns, and how have you implemented them?

Answer: Advanced Apex design patterns like Singleton, Factory, or Decorator are used for specific coding needs. I’ve implemented them to simplify code maintenance and enhance functionality.

  1. How do you handle data migration and transformation in Apex?

Answer: Data migration and transformation are managed using batch Apex for processing large data sets, with careful planning and execution to ensure data integrity.

  1. Explain your experience with Apex REST API development.

Answer: I’ve developed custom REST APIs in Apex for specific business needs, handling JSON/XML, managing authentication, and ensuring robust error handling.

  1. How do you optimize and refactor legacy Apex code?

Answer: Optimization involves identifying performance bottlenecks, updating code to follow current best practices, and refactoring for better efficiency and readability.

  1. Describe a challenging bug you resolved in an Apex application.

Answer: [Share a complex bug scenario, your diagnostic process, and the steps taken to resolve it, highlighting your problem-solving skills.]

  1. How do you balance feature development and technical debt in Apex?

Answer: Balancing involves prioritizing feature development based on business needs while allocating time for addressing technical debt through refactoring and optimization.

  1. Discuss how you ensure security and compliance in Apex code.

Answer: Security is ensured by following Salesforce’s security guidelines, using sharing and field-level security, and regularly reviewing code for vulnerabilities.

  1. What is your approach to using asynchronous Apex, and why?

Answer: Asynchronous Apex, like batch or future methods, is used for processing that doesn’t need to be done in real-time, to avoid governor limits and improve performance.

  1. Explain how to implement a custom caching mechanism in Apex.

Answer: A custom caching mechanism can be implemented using static variables or custom settings for storing frequently accessed data to reduce database calls.

  1. How do you manage and deploy Apex code across multiple environments?

Answer: I use version control systems like Git, follow a CI/CD pipeline for automated testing and deployment, and ensure code consistency across environments.

  1. Describe how you mentor junior developers in Apex and Salesforce best practices.

Answer: Mentoring involves providing hands-on coding exercises, regular code reviews, sharing resources, and encouraging continuous learning and experimentation.

  1. How do you stay updated with the latest Salesforce Apex trends and updates?

Answer: Staying updated involves following Salesforce releases, participating in developer forums, attending webinars and conferences, and continuous experimentation with new features.

These Salesforce Apex interview questions and answers target the expertise and experience expected from a senior Salesforce Apex developer, assessing their ability to handle complex development tasks, lead projects, and contribute strategically to Salesforce development initiatives.

To enhance your preparation for a specialized role, don’t forget to check Salesforce CPQ interview questions for detailed insights.


For Senior Salesforce Apex Developer roles, it’s crucial to identify individuals who exhibit advanced coding expertise, strategic thinking, and leadership skills. These candidates should demonstrate a mastery of Apex, including complex integrations, custom API creation, and large-scale data handling while maintaining adherence to Salesforce best practices.

Scenario-Based Salesforce Apex Interview Questions

  1. You need to design an Apex trigger for a large volume of data. How do you ensure it’s bulk-safe?

Answer: I ensure bulk safety by avoiding SOQL queries or DML operations inside for loops, using collections to aggregate data, and efficiently processing records in batches.

  1. A batch Apex job is failing due to governor limits. What steps would you take to resolve this?

Answer: I would analyze the job to identify the specific governor limit being hit, optimize SOQL queries, reduce batch size, or refactor the code to efficiently process records.

  1. How would you handle a requirement to synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using Apex?

Answer: I’d create an integration using Apex callouts (HTTP requests), handle authentication, and ensure efficient and secure data transfer following Salesforce best practices for external integrations.

  1. You’ve been asked to implement complex business logic that includes multiple objects and relationships. How do you approach this in Apex?

Answer: I would break down the business logic into manageable components, use object-oriented principles for modularity, and ensure efficient data retrieval and manipulation considering object relationships.

  1. Describe how you would use Apex to create a custom RESTful API in Salesforce.

Answer: I would define Apex classes with @RestResource annotations, create methods for HTTP verbs (GET, POST, etc.), and handle JSON serialization and deserialization for data exchange.

  1. How would you debug a complex Apex code that is not performing as expected?

Answer: I’d use debug logs to trace the execution, analyze SOQL queries, check for any logic errors, and use checkpoints in the Developer Console for detailed inspection.

  1. A client requires dynamic creation of records based on changing business rules. How do you implement this in Apex?

Answer: I’d use custom metadata or custom settings to store business rules, and write Apex code that dynamically creates records based on these rules.

  1. You are tasked with optimizing a slow-running scheduled Apex job. What would be your approach?

Answer: My approach would include reviewing the job’s logic, optimizing SOQL queries, possibly reducing the scope of data processed in each run, and ensuring efficient resource utilization.

  1. Describe a scenario where you used Apex managed sharing rules.

Answer: I’ve used Apex managed sharing rules to programmatically share records based on complex criteria that couldn’t be achieved through declarative sharing settings.

  1. How do you ensure unit tests cover various business scenarios in Apex?

Answer: By writing tests that simulate different real-world scenarios, including positive, negative, and boundary cases, and using test data setup methods for comprehensive coverage.

  1. A trigger you wrote is causing recursion issues. How do you resolve it?

Answer: I’d resolve recursion by using static variables to track and control the trigger’s execution, ensuring it doesn’t re-enter under the same context.

  1. How would you implement a rollback mechanism in a complex Apex transaction?

Answer: I’d use Savepoint and Database.rollback to revert back to a known state in case of an error or exception during the transaction.

  1. You need to build a generic Apex service class that can be used across various objects. What considerations do you take?

Answer: I would design the class to be object-agnostic, use generic sObject types, and ensure it can handle different fields and relationships dynamically.

  1. How do you approach writing a test class for an Apex trigger handling multiple DML operations?

Answer: I write tests that simulate the trigger’s conditions, ensure all DML operations are covered, and check for the correct execution and outcome of each operation.

  1. An Apex class is exceeding the CPU time limit. How would you optimize it?

Answer: I’d optimize by reviewing and refining the logic, reducing SOQL query and DML operation costs, and possibly splitting the process into smaller, more efficient chunks.

  1. Describe how you would use custom exceptions in Apex.

Answer: I use custom exceptions to handle specific error conditions uniquely, creating more readable and maintainable error handling in my Apex code.

  1. How do you ensure data integrity when writing Apex triggers for complex business processes?

Answer: By implementing robust error handling, validations within the triggers, and ensuring that all operations are part of a single transaction where appropriate.

  1. Explain how you would refactor an existing Apex codebase for better efficiency and maintainability.

Answer: I’d review the code to identify areas for optimization, apply design patterns where applicable, modularize the code, and improve readability and documentation.

  1. How do you handle asynchronous processing and callback mechanisms in Apex?

Answer: For asynchronous processing, I use future methods, batch Apex, or queueable Apex, and for callback mechanisms, I use patterns like chaining queueable jobs.

  1. A complex Apex application needs an update due to changing business requirements. How do you approach this?

Answer: I begin with a thorough analysis of the current application and requirements, plan the changes with minimal disruption, and ensure comprehensive testing before deployment.

These scenario-based questions are designed to test a mid-level Apex developer’s ability to apply their knowledge practically, solve complex problems, and adapt to changing business requirements in Salesforce development.


Scenario-based interview questions are invaluable in the recruitment process for Salesforce Apex roles.

They provide insight into how candidates apply their technical knowledge to real-world problems, showcasing their practical problem-solving skills, adaptability, and understanding of Salesforce’s unique environment.

For Apex developers, being able to navigate through complex scenarios, such as handling bulk data or dealing with governor limits, is crucial.

These Salesforce Apex interview questions and answers help in assessing a candidate’s ability to think on their feet, their approach to coding challenges, and their capacity to deliver efficient and scalable solutions in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Technical/Coding Interview Questions for a Salesforce Apex Developer

  1. How do you write a trigger in Apex?

Answer: A trigger is written using the trigger keyword, followed by the trigger name, on which object it operates, and the trigger events (like before insert, after update).

  1. Explain how you would use a SOQL query in an Apex class.

Answer: SOQL queries in Apex are used to retrieve records from Salesforce objects. They can be used within methods to fetch data as per the required conditions.

  1. Describe the use of the @TestSetup method in Apex testing.

Answer: The @TestSetup method is used to create common test records for all test methods in a class, reducing code redundancy and ensuring isolated test data for each test method.

  1. How can you avoid governor limits when working with large data sets in Apex?

Answer: To avoid governor limits, bulkify your code, use efficient SOQL queries, limit the use of DML operations, and utilize batch Apex for processing large data sets.

  1. What is the purpose of the @AuraEnabled annotation in Apex?

Answer: The @AuraEnabled annotation is used to expose Apex methods to Aura and Lightning Web Components, allowing them to be called from the client side.

  1. How do you handle exceptions in Apex?

Answer: Exceptions in Apex are handled using try-catch blocks. Specific types of exceptions can be caught and handled, or a general exception can be caught.

  1. Explain the concept of batch Apex and its use case.

Answer: Batch Apex is used for processing large data sets that exceed governor limits. It processes records in batches, allowing for complex operations on large volumes of data.

  1. Describe how you would implement a custom REST API in Apex.

Answer: A custom REST API in Apex can be implemented using the @RestResource annotation, defining HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.), and handling request and response formats.

  1. What is the difference between a SOQL query and a SOSL search in Apex?

Answer: SOQL queries are used to query objects and their fields, while SOSL is used to search text, email, and phone fields across multiple objects.

  1. How do you ensure that your Apex code adheres to Salesforce best practices?

Answer: By writing bulkified, efficient code, avoiding hard-coded IDs, following proper naming conventions, and ensuring comprehensive test coverage.

  1. Describe a scenario where you would use a future method in Apex.

Answer: Future methods are used for operations that need to be run asynchronously, such as callouts to external web services or processing that can be deferred.

  1. What are Apex governor limits and why are they important?

Answer: Governor limits are runtime limits enforced by Salesforce to ensure shared resources are used efficiently. They are crucial for maintaining the health and performance of the Salesforce multi-tenant environment.

  1. How can you use Apex to create and manipulate custom metadata records?

Answer: Apex can interact with custom metadata records through SOQL queries, but it cannot create or manipulate them directly. Metadata API or declarative tools must be used for modifications.

  1. Explain how to use the Apex scheduler.

Answer: The Apex scheduler is used to run scheduled jobs, implemented by writing a class that implements the Schedulable interface and scheduling it either programmatically or through the Salesforce UI.

  1. How do you work with email services in Apex?

Answer: Email services in Apex involve creating inbound email service classes that process incoming email messages and perform actions like creating records.

  1. What is the difference between database methods and DML statements in Apex?

Answer: Database methods (like Database.insert) provide additional options like partial success processing, while DML statements (like insert) are straightforward but roll back the entire transaction on error.

  1. How do you implement record locking in Apex?

Answer: Record locking can be implemented using the FOR UPDATE clause in SOQL queries to lock records during a transaction and prevent conflicting updates.

  1. Describe how you would use dynamic Apex.

Answer: Dynamic Apex is used to write flexible code where object and field names are not known until runtime, using the sObject and Describe APIs.

  1. How do you optimize test execution time in Apex?

Answer: Optimize test execution by limiting the use of seeAllData=true, creating only necessary test data, mocking callouts, and writing efficient test methods.

  1. Explain the concept of a custom Apex SOAP web service.

Answer: A custom Apex SOAP web service allows you to create web service methods that can be called from external systems, defined using the webservice keyword in Apex classes.

These Salesforce Apex coding interview questions cover a range of technical aspects relevant to Salesforce Apex development, designed to assess a candidate’s coding skills, understanding of Salesforce-specific practices, and problem-solving capabilities in a technical context.


Technical and coding interviews are critical when hiring for Salesforce Apex roles. They allow us to gauge a candidate’s depth of programming knowledge, particularly in Apex, and their ability to write clean, efficient code. For Apex developers, proficiency in writing and optimizing code, understanding Salesforce-specific practices, and solving complex coding problems are key indicators of their capability.

5 Tricky Salesforce Apex Interview Questions and Answers

How do you handle recursive triggers in Apex to prevent infinite loops?

Recursive triggers can be prevented using a static variable in an Apex utility class. By checking and updating this variable before executing the trigger logic, the code ensures it runs only once per transaction.

What strategies can optimize Apex code to handle large datasets efficiently?

Use bulkification to process records in batches, reduce SOQL and DML operations by performing them outside loops, and implement custom Apex Batch classes for processing large datasets asynchronously.

How would you implement dynamic SOQL queries in Apex while preventing SOQL injection?

Dynamic SOQL should use bind variables to handle user inputs safely, preventing malicious injection attempts. For example: String safeQuery = ‘SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :inputId’; Database.query(safeQuery);.

How can you monitor and handle uncommitted changes when using Database.SaveResult?

By setting allOrNone = false, the method allows partial processing, and errors for failed records can be logged or handled separately without rolling back successful transactions.

What is the significance of Apex Governor Limits, and how do you ensure compliance in a multi-developer environment?

Governor Limits ensure fair resource use in a multi-tenant platform. Enforcing code reviews, optimizing queries, and implementing asynchronous methods like Future or Queueable Apex ensures compliance while maintaining performance.


While the Salesforce interview questions on Apex presented here are samples, they offer a solid foundation for understanding the diverse range of skills and knowledge required in Salesforce Apex development roles. From junior to senior levels, these questions cover essential technical and practical aspects, reflecting the complexities and challenges of working within the Salesforce ecosystem. They serve as a guide for recruiters to identify candidates with the right mix of expertise, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability. However, it’s important to remember that each Salesforce project and role may have unique demands. Therefore, these Apex in Salesforce interview questions should be tailored or expanded upon to align with specific organizational needs and the ever-evolving landscape of Salesforce development.

3 Responses to “110 Salesforce Apex Interview Questions and Answers (Updated)

  • Wow, I found this post so helpful in preparing for my Salesforce Apex interview. The questions and answers you provided were spot on and helped me feel more confident in my skills. Keep up the great work!
  • Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.
  • Great post! These Apex interview questions are really helpful for preparing for upcoming interviews.

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